New Zealand 2017 - part the fourth . . Hot Textiles with Taranaki Patchworkers and Quilters, New Plymouth.

A fabulous painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix sample. Ha ving arrived in New Plymouth , it was straight on with the next 2 workshops. The first 2 day workshop was Hot Texti les and the second was A New Starting Point. So on with Hot Textiles - I have included photos of the products we used so you know what to ask for . Thi s workshop was going to conce n trate on using unpainted and painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix and Lutradur/CS800. Bondaweb/Vliesofix, still my most f avourite product after all these years. CS800 also known as Lutradur, a heavy weight spunbond, and Decovil 1 light, a wonderful leather like, iron-on interfacing After introducing myself to the group and explaining roughly what we would be doing, we got onto painting the Bondaweb/Vliesofix and CS800/Lutradur. It is very important to know how little paint you need to get the correct effect. You don't want the paint to form a barrier. The group painting the Bondaweb/Vliesofix. While were...