The Geelong Fibre Forum - September 27th - October 3rd. Part the first -

Layers of Tyvek layered with polyester organza, machine stitched together and then zapped with a heat gun. This has been a very whizzy week, this will be a brief post. The Fibre Forum with Tafta Inc at Geelong is a hysterical, amazing and wonderful event. There are so many people involved, we have had an amazing time so far - we have even got some work done. I am teaching a 5 version of Hot Textiles, this includes experimenting with painted Bondaweb/Vliesofix, Tyvek, Lutradur/CS800 and the heavier interfacings, S133 and Decovil 1 and Decovil 1 light. Here are a range of corsages made from Tyvek. . . This is how they start . . . . . and how they finish, with a bit of TLC from an iron, baking parchment and a soldering iron. And we layered 3 sheets of 75gm Tyvek with polyester organza, machine stitched together and then zapped back with a gun to create some fabulous textures. and we made ...