New Zealand - The North Island, part the third

The tutors had a short bus ride to the symposium every morning - we decided the group name for a gathering tutors should be a cacophony. Can you imagine why? The Quilt Symposium 2015 Palmerston North was a brilliant event. I have never been part of something so large and so very well organised. It was VERY impressive. I taught 5 one day workshops. All my workshops were full which was very satisfying - you never quite know when you are an international tutor, has anyone heard of you? The first workshop was A New Starting Point which I wrote about in the previous post. So - to continue . . . . The second workshop was Transforming Transfer. We had great fun painting papers with disperse dye (transfer paint) and then transferring the designs onto synthetic fabric. You can achieve fabulous layered effects with this process. Some of the group getting stuck into painting the disperse dye (transfer paint) onto paper ready to transfer onto synth...