Spaces on workshops further afield . . . . Jersey and Canberra!

'Flipping out' is one of the exercises we use on this design based workshop. So - My courses at The Jersey Textile Showcase next week are almost full. Filling workshops is always a worry, no matter how long you have been teaching. There are just two places left on 'The Journey'. An afternoon workshop to indulge in the joys of basic design exercises. Saturday 8th March. The first three images below give you an idea of what we will be up to. Moving further away - to the other side of the world - Canberra to be specific, there are six places left on my two day design based workshop on the 5th and 6th of April. This is the most important workshop I teach as it generates completely original designs and you leave with several printing blocks that can be used to print onto fabric or paper. My course Experimental Textiles is based around this workshop. It is great fun and so very useful. So if you fan...