The Northern Ireland Embroidery Guild 17th - 19th January - part the third

A lovely sample using torn strips of paper serviette along with the newspaper, painted Bondaweb and sparkle. I have spread this trip over 3 posts as the ladies produced some fabulous samples on both workshops. A New Starting Point is my newspaper based workshop that also combines printing onto the backgrounds with printing blocks. The Northern Ireland Embroidery Guild is a thriving group of all ages but as with all groups they can always do with more members. If you live anywhere near Belfast and fancy joining in the fun - go to - they can also be found on Facebook - https:/ You have already seen the build up to these samples in the previous post - here are what was produced by the end of the day - Painted and dyed newspaper decorated with painted Bondaweb, gilding flake, heat transfer foils, glitter and anything else to hand. Then the pr...