Experimental Textiles - 4th weekend - felt, knit and weave

Rachel's torn, printed and stitched papers I had a great weekend with my ExTex group. I had missed them. I am very much enjoying teaching an ongoing course again. To see the progression of each student is very exciting and rewarding. It reminds me why I trained to be a teacher. The fifth weekend of the course is a mixture of weave, knit and felt. It is always great fun teaching basic processes. When you work with basic, simple processes, your brain has a chance to get involved and excited - making it's own connections between materials and techniques. We started the weekend with looking at homework - the group had been asked to stitch into their torn and printed papers. There was some fabulous work. A detail of Rachel's piece showing her beautiful stitch. Val's collage . . . . . . and a detail of some of her very sensitive stitch. Once we had discussed the homework we got on with feltma...