New Layered Textiles - Foredown Tower 15th - 19th July

Fabulous painted newspaper and painted Bondaweb. This is going to be a hit and run post - don't have much time as I am about to leave for Shropshire. So lots of photos and not many words. A five day summer school at Foredown Tower - New Layered Textiles. And it was definitely summer - pheeWWWWeee, very hot. We coped womanfully!!! There were ten lovely students which is the maximum for that teaching studio. We covered painted Bondweb on fabric and paper, Tyvek, newspaper faux chenille and cutting CS500 and 800 with a soldering iron and applying it to different back grounds. These images are a small selection of what we got up to - Painted Bondaweb on fabric and newspaper and book covers ] Newspaper faux chenille - Painted Vilene Spunbond CS500 and 800 backed with unpainted Bondaweb, cut with a soldering iron and then applied either to fabric of more CS800. ...