Up coming courses . . .

Playing with colour. I have three courses coming up in December and they all have spaces, so if you fancy two or three days away to recharge your batteries, then you might like to consider coming out to play! Water colour paper colour washed then torn, then colour washed on the torn edge - simply beautiful. On December 4 th - 6 th I will be delivering a 3 day workshop - Colour Works! at Art Van Go. This is a new course especially written for Art Van Go and will involve paint ing you own colour wheel and a tints, tones and shades chart. After this we wi ll be colour washi ng all w eights and types of papers to manip ulate and play with shapes and overlaying c olours. Whether you wi sh to work in two or three di mensions this will be three days of colour, pl ay and stitch. There should be time to create a considered stitched sample or 3d piece . Working with colour is something we all need to do regularly to help us bu i ld...