ExTex 5 - session 5. Constructed Textiles. November 5th and 6th.

I loved this little bowl, Fabulous. Last weekend saw the 5th session of Experimental Textiles. We were looking at and discussing constructed textiles - felt, knit and weave. It is always a fun session, lots of colour and texture. We started off with felt making. I only teach the most basic of processes for textiles . Once a student knows the basics , if they are interested , they will be off and running. One of the great things about teaching adults is that th ey come to a course with all their prior lear ning. It is a great springboard for creating fabulous work. They just need to believe they can do it - confidence tends to be the key. We experimented with wet felting and needle felting - great fun. First of all we tried flat felting for the group to get used how the wo ol should feel as i t be comes felted. Then we moved on to making little bowls. I favour having a a flap around the bowl to incorporate as decorat ion, we also looked at nea...