
Experimental Textiles - weekend 5. Constructed Textiles. October 24th & 25th.

A section of a beautiful piece by Val from the ExTextra group. I am nearly up to date with this blog now. There are 2 'ExTex' groups running at the moment, the regular 9 weekend Experimental Textiles and a 5 weekend 'ExTeXtra'. ExTeXra is a continuation course for ex Experimental Textiles students.  My year runs from June to March. This is more of a mentoring group with the members developing their own work and style. The girls are doing so well, I am so proud of them. They will be exhibiting at the West Country Quilt and Textile Show - 12th - 14th November at The Exhibition and Conference Centre, UWE, Bristol. I don't want to show complete images of the girls work, it's not really my place now - but here are a few tasters . . . .         The group have called themselves 'Out of Line'  and they will continue to exhibit as a group under this name. Now back to Experimental Textiles - session 5. This weekend was devoted to looking ...

The Journey with Geelong Embroiderers Guild 24th & 25th September - plus graffiti!!!

 A section of an old railway carriage at The Powerhouse, Geelong. I am a bit out of sync with the blog - so much has happened in the last couple of months I haven't been able to write events up in the correct order. This post is about a 2 day workshop I taught for Geelong (Australia) Embroiderers Guild September 24th and 25th just before I taught at the Geelong Fibre Forum. They are a lively group and are great fun. I first taught for them in 2012 when I first met Gillian Norris. Gillian was a great help in setting up the workshops then and on this last trip. She and her lovely husband Tony were great hosts. Do look at the Guild's website - there is a lot to see. So - the 2 day workshop was The Journey extended to give enough time to make printing blocks from the students designs. Regular readers of this blog will be very familiar with this workshop.    Starting to paint The Jouneys  All the designs lined up. We also played ...