ExTex 4 - weekend 4 - Still Life and Collage - September 12th & 13th

I love how torn paper springs into a spiral. Experimental Textiles is a course I have taught in various forms over the past 15 years. It started as a 4 year course up to diploma level. I have now taken out the design core and deliver it over 9 weekends at the IDC studios in The Old Needle Works in Redditch. This works well as it is in the middle of the country giving students from all over the UK a chance to get there. We have girls traveling from the Scotland and Cornwall and all places in between. Redditch is well served with budget hotels close Btritten Street where the centre is. It is a big commitment to teach an ongoing course and I have decided to teach one more course after this one finishes. The last Experimental Textiles course taught over 9 weekends from June to March will start in June 2016 and finish in March 2017. I have other plans for the course which I will share with you later in the year. To see more about the course and next years dates - go to experimen...