Up coming courses - lots of colour and excitement!
Designs from Rachael Singleton's work book - ExTex 3. Prints from blocks made from sections taken from her 'journey'. I am very much looking forward to getting back to work . . . Whilst it is good to have time to think and plan - I am missing my students and colleagues. I have at least another 3 weeks recuperation ahead of me, and I aim to use it well. There is quite a lot of planning to do .The first session of ExTex 4 (Experimental Textiles) will be starting on the weekend of June 13th & 14th. It is amazing to think this will be the 4th group of students to enrol on the course which will finish March 2016. I love teaching the course - it is the best thing I do - the culmination of all I have learned through my teaching practice, mind you, you never stop learning. Part of the ExTex3 end of year work at the Excel show March 2015. Equally exciting is a new group starting - of ex ExTex students, we are calling it ExTeXra!!!!...