
Showing posts with the label flipped out

And so it begins - ExTex 3. Nine weekends from June to March - Whoo hoo!

   A section of the the Journeys from the Thursday/Friday group.  Well we have begun - and there are TWO courses running this year. One on Thursday and Friday and one on Saturday and Sunday. Experimental Textiles was originally taught as a four year course that I had to stop teaching after twelve years as it got - just tooo much!!! So I wrote the book of the course. After having sworn I would NEVER teach a long course again, I found I missed supporting students through a long course with an exhibition at the end. So . . as a happy medium - I now teach a nine weekend version of the course from June to March. This shorter version teaches VERY basic techniques and skills that we all need - but rarely spend the time on - unless we are 'encouraged' to!    Kate, Caroline and Marilyn  . . . . .     . .  and Suzie and Jane from the Thursday/Friday group.     Alison, Mary and Val . . .  ...