A New Starting Point at Roseland Mews Studio 20 & 21 June

A great piece of newspaper faux chenille. The next stop on the journey was Roseland Mews Studio in Liskeard. Set in lush green gardens, the studio is well equipped, light and has great ventilation. We had 13 in the group and boy did they work hard. A New Starting Point is my newspaper based workshop and I think you will agree, the group produced some fabulous samples. We started off painting up Bondaweb and newspapers then while that was drying the group machine stitched layers of unpainted newspaper together to create their first faux chenille sample. We would colour wash these samples later in the day. Then it was onto the 'pretties and bckground' tearing technique that I have developed with newspaper and painted Bondaweb. Having permission to play with all manner of sparkly delights tends to bring out the inner princess in most students as they fling glitter, gilding flake and dot jewels onto their work with abandon. The play element i...