
Showing posts with the label colouricious

New transfer foils on - Yeehaa!!!

 A fabulous range of colours. Well the sale has gone well - there are few metres of the Vilene Spunbond/Lutradur left - but it is nearly all gone. Many thanks to those of you who sent in orders - most of you should have received your orders by now. Because I now sell three different types of glue that can be foiled - Bondaweb, Hot Spots and the new KK Glue - I thought it was about time I extended my range of colours. I now stock twelve colours - Gold, silver, rainbow, metallic swirl, pewter, lime, sunset, black, blue, copper, bronze and aqua.  Aqua roll colours - copper, aqua, lime and blue.  I have also added four more mixed colour rolls to the website. Aqua, Metals light, Metals dark and Sunset. The rolls come in sheets of four colours in two sizes - 20cm or 30cm square. I hope that you can find something you like. I am still selling the foils by the metre and in single 30cm squares.    Basic colour roll - silver, metallic swirl, gold and rainbow.    Metals da

The Jersey Textile Showcase - March 5th - 11th Part the first . . .

A fabulous print by Muriel. I had forgotten just how beautiful Jersey is - and what weather we had - my goodness it was wonderful. Not that we saw an awful lot of the sun as we were tucked away teaching, but it does lift the soul. The Jersey Textile Showcase has become a very large event with something like 40 workshops over the seven days. I met new tutors and several tutors I knew but hadn't spent much time with.      The view from my bedroom window. The tutors all stayed in a B & B called The Harbour View and it certainly lived up to it's name. Lovely clean and modern rooms and a remarkable breakfast. If you ever need to find somewhere to stay on the island - I can't recommend this enough . So - to the workshops. My first one was Transforming Transfers. We had 20 in the group - luckily I had taken my heat press with me. We painted disperse dye (transfer paint) onto paper. W

ExTex 2 - weekend 7 November 16th & 17th

  Don't you love copper?  Well here we are, Christmas is gone and the New Year is looming - have you finished doing the washing up yet? I finished all the glasses this morning so now my kitchen is clear - Hurrah! I am slowly catching up with what I got up to in November.  The 7th weekend of my Experimental Textiles course is a students choice. The group can negotiate which techniques they want to play with or they can use it as chance to catch up with their folders. Jamie Malden from Colouricious kindly made this video for me at the Harrogate show to give you all some idea of what we cover on the course.  (you can skip the advert at the beginning) Experimental Textiles teaches you all the basic techniques and skills that you need when working in textiles. None of my 'Hot Textiles' techniques are included in the course - They are fun but can be learned from books and videos. The studen

More layered newspaper brooches . . .

  While I was waiting for the Creative Bondaweb DVD's to arrive I made some brooches for my Open House this weekend. These are dyed and painted newspaper layered with painted Bondaweb and gilding flake - Craftynotions has a wonderful selection of colours gilding flake . You can watch me demonstrate this process on my new DVD. Have I mentioned I have a new DVD out?????? There are two video clips on the left of this blog. Having seen the clips and you are still interested - you can buy the Creative Bondaweb DVD here - I have watched the DVD all the way through twice now and it is hysterical., I was obviously very relaxed and happy.. Jamie Malden of Colouricious who produced the film is  brilliant. Very well organinsed, calming and great fun. She made the entire experience very enjoyable and the film reflects this.  I'm off to buy some earring and brooch backs now and start putting the house back together for the Open House. Hav

There's a lot of me about . . . !

This is 'Myra', a needle felted monkey by Lady Lazarus aka Jayne Routley, one of  the first acquisitions of the day. We had a FAB week-end at the Open House with lots of friends and new faces arriving to have a look at our latest gorgeous display of wonderful work and buy their Christmas presents. Although I don't know just how many of the lovely things that were bought this week-end will actually be given away in the end . . . .  I suspect that many of the scarves, brooches and bowls will be kept by my visitors. Don't you find that? You go out looking for presents for other people and end up buying for yourself - OOhhh!!! We are SO bad! Some of Ember's beautiful Raku vases These hand knitted hats and scarves were flying out Mary Moox's 'Bonkers Boxes' full of her recycled crazy creatures have caused much hilarity The collection of brooches and earrings that I had made has almost sold out. I thought there would be p