The Journey Jacket by Jaynie Bloch

Jayni's completed Journey Jacket Regular readers of this blog will be aware of the design exercise I created many years ago to help my students create original designs. I have taught The Journey exercise all over the world, and now with Zoom I am able to teach live workshops anywhere. I 'met' Janyi Bloch on a live Zoom workshop I was delivering for a textile group in Canada that she belonged to. It is amazing to be able to teach a group in real time, just in a different place. I know it will never replace face to face teaching, but it does save a long flight!! It is always interesting to see what students develop after a workshop, and very occasionally, a student just blows your mind!! When I saw what Jayni had created from her Journey exercise, I knew I had to share it far and wide. With Jayni's permission of course. Jayni's Journey exercise in her studio at home in Ontario. 2 sections from Jayni's Journey Painting the design onto fabric and then free mac...