Hot Layered Textiles - Nailsworth Subsrciption Rooms May 10th & 11th

A rather delicious collection of decorated and zapped polyester organza. This was the last workshop on my West Country run. I must admit I was a wee bit tired by the time I got there. All these workshops seemed like such a great idea at the time!!! Hot Layered Textiles is a combination workshop. Working with requested products. The products chosen for Nailsworth were Lutradur/CS800 Vilene Spunbond, Tyvek, Bondaweb and polyester organza. When you are teaching a run of workshops in a certain area it is important to make sure you don't teach something similar too close to another one. It's all in the planning - which took about a year!! The workshop organiser, Becca, approached me when she heard that I was planning a run of workshops in Devon and Cornwall and asked if I might add Nailsworth either at the beginning or the end of the run. We decided I would do it at the end. A very enthusiastic group working away happily. The workshop was held in t...