A short break in Kent

A fine figure of a man - one of the wonderful sculptures at Hole Park. I've just returned from a few days in Kent with my Dad. We had a fabulous time wandering around gardens and vineyards - I feel as though I have been away for a week. It was great to drive about, not having to be somewhere by a set time. We visited three gardens, Sissinghurst Castle, Marle Place and Hole Park. I haven't been to Sissinghurst for a few years and it is just as beautiful as ever - but very busy and very - National Trust. Wonderful shadows created by the nut walk at Sissinghurst. Beautiful borders on a large scale. Stunning structure created by the well tended hedges and trees. And glorious colours . . . Marle Place Gardens is a different kind of garden altogether. A private garden open to the public every day apart from Thursday. It is an exquisite place to wander for the best part of a day. They don't serve lunch - just teas and coffees and de...