Filming The Journey to Design

A view of my table as I paint the moth inspired Journey exercise I have spent the past week painting and filming the painting of my moth inspired Journey design exercise. It always takes longer to set up the lights and web cams than you think. But I am more than halfway through now. And then there will be editing the videos and then loading everything onto the website. Another job that always takes longer than you think. It will be worth it though. I am very excited about sharing this workshop with my online students. Lines and shapes that I found interesting on the several moths I used for inspiration. The new workshop will be launched on Friday 31st January on a years subscription. You will be able to view the videos in the workshop whenever you like, wherever you are in the world. We will look at taking section with L shapes to isolate designs. These designs can then be made into printing blocks or stencils and templates. The finished Journey Depending what inspiration you use...