
Showing posts from February, 2025

Making a brooch with Decovil interfacing

  Stitching sequins onto the brooch Some of my readers may know that I have been testing and working with Vlieseline products for many years. I was awarded a special badge recently, created just for me. It made me feel very proud - and old!!! I have made various videos for Vlieseline over the years.  My latest can now be viewed on YouTube - The video shows you how you can machine embroider onto Decovil 1 with out an embroidery ring. Painted and foiled Decovil 1. Red foil heart and green satin applique You don't need to use an embroidery ring when you work with Decovil 1 The finished brooch    If you ever fancy watching a few videos of me showing you various way of working with textiles and interfacings.- there are several on YouTube. Just put my name in. And don't forget - there is a search engine on this blog. In the top right hand corner. Jut type in Tyvek, or printing blocks or whatever you are interested in. There ...

Taking sections of your Journey design exercise

The tracing of the section of the Journey It is a great feeling to have finished filming The Journey to Design workshop. And we already have students enroled and working away. I just love it.   The tracing on the right (above) is the section I took of my moth Journey. On the left are the 2 printing blocks I made from the design. The positive and negative parts of the design. I enjoyed playing with the blocks, it has been a while since I made any.   The 2 blocks and a try out on some cartridge paper I always clean my blocks with baby wipes . . . From the left - a scrunched up baby wipe for the final cleaning of the blocks and 3 of the wipes I used flat on the blocks to clean them and get extra prints. I ironed Bondaweb into the back of the second baby wipe print. Then cut away the white areas (negative space). I then peeled off the backing paper and ironed the applique design onto the left hand baby wipe. it made a great background.   I then back stitched around the applie...