
Showing posts from April, 2013

Andover Embroiderers Guild - 20th April

 Two girls who are new to this malarky. I s p ent a fa b ulous day with a group of great ladies from the Andover area yesterday. We were play ing with painted Bondweb, Vilene S punbond and two weights of pelmet Vilene. We tried zapping the Spunbond with heat guns as well but I wanted to show you what the group got up to with the soldering irons. They created some brilliant samples. There is plenty of zapping the previous post. I use Margaret Beal's tried and tested way of working with ceramic flower pots for stands and wire wo ol in a c ardboard tubes to clean the tips. Bondaweb (unpainted) was ironed onto the back of three pieces of CS500 in three different colours. A fourth colour was ch osen for the background. A piece of black pelmet Vilene lite was then deco rated with painted Bondaweb , foils , glitter and gilding flake. Unp ainted Bondaweb was then iro ned on th e the back. It is important to lea ve the back ing paper on the B ondaweb. Y ou don't cut through ...

Zap! Pow! Slash! and Burn! Foredown Tower - part the third

  Orange painted Vilene Spunbond CS800 (the heaviest) decorated with painted Bondaweb and synthetic fabrics.    Th e same sample zappe d with a heat gun to create some f abu lous lacy edges. We had great fun playing with all the products on this course, learning which would zap and which wou ld cut with a soldering iron. The heaviest weight Spunbond is great fun to 'cut' with the heat from a heat gun.    This sample shows the S p unb ond partly zapped before it is ripped apart. The idea is to almost cut through the fabric, just leaving a few strands, a kind of 'laddered' effect. Then you rip apart your work and the laddery bits seperate.    A blue sample which was then zapped . . . .     . . . and then ripped apart.       . . and another one . .     . . and another one . . (decorated with foiled Hot Spots!) This is Earth Jewel ls - one of my vessels. It is five foot ta...

Zap, Pow, Slash and Burn! Foredown Tower - part the second

   Decorated black sew-in interfacing and coloured CS500 ironed onto Bondaweb then shapes were cut with a soldering iron. The shapes were then ironed onto another piece of CS500. Well that was a great weekend. The group produce d some fabulous samples. I'm go ing to split this post into 2 as there are too may images for one post. I will post the next part tomorrow.   The thing to remember with most of my workshops is that you don't create a finished piece of work. The idea i s for the students to experiment with whichever products we are working with to help them generate their own ideas. Designing through process is an impo rtant part of my teaching and indeed my own work.   Some scrummy experi ments with different weights of Tyvek.     After expe rimenting with the T yvek we went onto working with painted Bondaweb and dec orated the black p elmet Vilene light. This is a great weight to cut with a solder...