Gorgeous new 'Blingy Bitz' from Craftynotions. That's enough about the weather. I know it is blowing a hooley out there but at some stage we all need a bit of colour and sparkle. I have been bullying poor David at Craftynotions.com to come up with a name for the gorgeous little colourful squares I have been playing with on my latest workshops; occasionally allowing my students to use them, but only if they are VERY good. Think of a square sequin without a hole in and you will know what I mean. I took these images with my phone and they aren't the best. 'Blingy Bitz' will be available from the end of next month in eight to ten colours yet to be decided. I couldn't wait until then to tell you about them. They put a fabulous sparkle onto your work. I iron them onto painted Bondaweb. Yep! I appreciate that will come as a great surprise. Not only but also - (Yes! I have had a glass of wine). There will also be the new 'Blingy Glitz'...