
Showing posts with the label reclaimed papers

Reclaimed Papers at Art Van Go November 11th & 12th

 A very sensitive and subtle piece. This would make a beautiful cover for a tall night light/candle holder. You would just need to stitch a back seam to create a tube.  (Decovil 1 iron on interfacing, colourwashed with paper additions.) So, a busy week this week . . . .  Tuesday and Wednesday I was teaching a 2 day workshop at Art Van Go - Reclaimed Papers. It is great fun - you don't have to make anything that looks like anything - it is a great process. Just tearing and layering.  The group all cracking on. I love teaching at Art Van Go . It's a great space to teach in, plus I get to see Viv, Kevin and the team. This was my last workshop this year - and is was fabulous. The group worked really hard, and Viv and Kevin were on great form. Torn, painted newspapers torn and layered up with painted Bondaweb. This process is featured in my book Reclaimed Textiles - it's called 'Pretties and Background'. Once the pape...

Updates on Kim's workshops 2014

  A collage created from a section of 'The Journey' by Helen Fallowfield.   Helen finished the four year version of Experimental Textilesten years       ago  - and still refers to her design sources from the course as inspiration for current work. I am teaching this design workshop at Art Van Go June 1th and 11th - see below. Hello everyone - Happy Friday! I am not teaching many workshops this year as I am doing so many shows. Many of you are not used to going onto my diary either on this blog or my website to see where and when I am teaching, so this post may help. I am teaching at a new venue in Brighton, the first weekend is in July - there may be more to follow if we can sort out dates.  Have a read and see if there is anything you fancy - there are at least two places left on all the courses at the time of writing this post. I hope to see some of you soon. Any questions? - email me - Here a...