Making a brooch with Decovil interfacing

Stitching sequins onto the brooch Some of my readers may know that I have been testing and working with Vlieseline products for many years. I was awarded a special badge recently, created just for me. It made me feel very proud - and old!!! I have made various videos for Vlieseline over the years. My latest can now be viewed on YouTube - The video shows you how you can machine embroider onto Decovil 1 with out an embroidery ring. Painted and foiled Decovil 1. Red foil heart and green satin applique You don't need to use an embroidery ring when you work with Decovil 1 The finished brooch If you ever fancy watching a few videos of me showing you various way of working with textiles and interfacings.- there are several on YouTube. Just put my name in. And don't forget - there is a search engine on this blog. In the top right hand corner. Jut type in Tyvek, or printing blocks or whatever you are interested in. There ...